Our Service - A Cut Above
Our Service - A Cut Above
From the first phone call to set up a butcher date to loading your meat in the car,
we want you to have a great experience.
Deer Trail Locker History
In the spring of 1947, Bill and Ilene (Hamacher) Allison started building the Deer Trail Locker Plant. The Allisons put 324 lockers into the plant. Before putting them in, people came from all around the community to put their names on the locker that they wanted. We still use the lockers to store meat waiting to be picked up (the original locks and keys are still in the cabinet). In June 1965, the flood swept through Deer Trail, leaving the locker a mess. Later, the Allisons remodeled and enlarged the plant. They added a slaughter room, more refrigeration, and expanded the work area.
In October 1984, Cheryl Vashus and Steve and Kathy Carter purchased the Deer Trail Locker. They operated the locker for 25 years, had a great reputation for quality processing and added a poultry processing area which was later removed. Tim Mullens purchased the locker in 2009 and was well-known for processing wild game. Tim operated the locker until October 2016 when he leased the locker to an associate for a year before it was purchased by Travis and Deb Vallin in November 2017. Today, we pay tribute to the history of the locker by maintaining it's original character while updating our equipment and facilities to meet the needs of our growing community.
Here's what we've been working on
Here's what we've been working on